Send us mail:

The Coworking Coven c/o
The Fiery Well, LLC
8235 Old Troy Pike #185
Dayton, OH 45424

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Frequently Asked Questions

How soon will you respond?

Please allow up to 72 hours for a response.

Is The Coworking Coven also The Fiery Well?

The Fiery Well is my company. The Coworking Coven is one of my many services and products. It finally needed its own website and space.

Can I still get tech and website support or help inside The Coworking Coven?

The Coworking Coven is now strictly a peer to peer coworking community. You are welcome, of course, to bring your support requests to the community, but if you require specific help, please reach out for a private session.

Do you have a physical location/coworking space?

No, we are 100% virtual at this time. Do I want a physical coworking space just for witches? Hell yes. But that’s a ways off.

I’m not sure virtual coworking is right for me. Do you have a free trial?

No, there are no free trials, and please refer to the refund policy. That said, I do livestream virtual coworking sessions at least once per quarter inside The Fiery Well Discord and everyone is invited!

This isn’t a monthly or yearly subscription? It’s really only a one time payment of $99?

That’s right! (Prices are, of course, subject to change.)
I’m tired of the subscription model. As a business owner and especially as a consumer. So I said: let’s just do a one time payment and so long as The Fiery Well (my company) is in business and Discord (the platform we use for The Coworking Coven) exists, and your account with both is in good standing, you’ll have access. Our full terms of service is available to read here.