A black and white photo of a motorcycle


A spell for observation

Observing yourself, your work, your habits, your interruptions, your mood, and your feelings while doing a Pomodoro not only helps you track how best to utilize the method, but also lets you tap into a flow and zone of work. You are crafting a thorough and thoughtful intention practice while you work.

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A spell to prepare for rest

Originally published at TheFieryWell.com in October of 2022, The Pomodoro® Primer for Magic Makers article has been updated and broken … Read more

red tomatoes on black surface

Task Management

A spell for choosing tasks

Originally published at TheFieryWell.com in October of 2022, The Pomodoro® Primer for Magic Makers article has been updated and broken … Read more

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Magic & Rituals for Work

When I say ritual you may be picturing large, elaborate, ceremonial-level events. Robes. Candles. Religious archetypes and rules. This isn’t that kind of ritual.

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4 Rules of the Pomodoro® Technique

Did you know there are rules to The Pomodoro Technique? We’ll break down a few of the key ones to adhere to.

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Pomodoro ® Primer for Magic Makers

The Pomodoro ® Primer for Magic Makers is a guide for solitary biz witches that need a better spell for productivity and focused work.

person holding fire works

Task Management

A magic W.A.N.D. for your to-do list

Ever wish you could wave a magic wand and have all of your tasks done? A to-do list full of checked off things? Well, this isn’t that kind of magic wand, but it certainly helps get you from “to do” to “done” with more ease and clarity.