A spell to prepare for rest

Last Updated

Originally published at TheFieryWell.com in October of 2022, The Pomodoro® Primer for Magic Makers article has been updated and broken up over a series of posts for The Coworking Coven. This is the sixth article of the series.

Do you know what you are going to do during your breaks? 

Members of The Coworking Coven have

  • worked on knitting projects,
  • stretched,
  • done a bit of breath work,
  • refilled water and snacks,
  • watered the plant babies,
  • scrolled social media,
  • journaled,
  • made art,
  • chatted in the community,
  • and otherwise pulled their brain away from their tasks. 

This is critical to completing the work.

I repeat: rest is critical to completing your task

Don’t work through the breaks. 

Don’t do other work during the breaks.



If you aren’t naturally inclined to take breaks (cough, internalized corporate world, and Capitalism), come into your Pomodoro session with a plan of how you will take breaks. Why do I reiterate this so much? Because not breaking and not resting invites the brain to wander and to look for rest during task time. 

Your brain will seek rest. Give it some!

What can you do in five minutes?

  • Stretch, breathe, meditate
  • Stare into space
  • Stare out your window
  • Have a quick dance party
  • Play with a pet
  • Water your plants
  • Water yourself
  • Go to the bathroom
  • Knit a row on a project
  • Build Legos
  • Doodle, draw, sketch
  • Light a new incense or candle
  • doing absolutely nothing is an acceptable break “task”

Take the fucking breaks.

You have your list of tasks, you have your list of go-to break ideas, now actually take the breaks.

Put down the work when the timer goes off and take a break. Rest. Disconnect.

It’s five minutes.

I know the urge to keep going, especially when you’ve hit a flow state. But try to stop. If you find that you consistently hit a flow state within 25 minutes, that’s a sign that your Pomodoro should perhaps be 30, 35, or even 40 minutes.

This is where observation of your work is critical to the success of your Pomodoro sessions. Next up, let’s take a look at crafting a spell for observing yourself and your work.

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